
by admin


Introducing Spelldrifter, a hybrid tactical role playing game and deck building game that features the best parts of both!

Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG battle with the deep customizability and replayability of a collectible card game. The result: a hybrid, wherein players must juggle the resources at their disposal using both time and space.

With Spelldrifter’s innovative Tick System, players are challenged to think of card game strategy in a new light. With each character action, the turns interweave on a single timeline. With mastery of the timeline, players gain great advantage in battle and earn the satisfaction of decisive victory.

Select your party of heroes, build your decks, and embark on an adventure deep into Starfall as you search for the entrance to the mysterious Labyrinth!


What’s New

Various performance improvements and bugfixes!

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    Price: N/A

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