Liberty Lite

by admin

  • Identifier com.ryleyangus.libertylite
  • Added Date 18/04/2023 00:15
  • Warning This package seems to be offline.
  • Depends mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader, applist
  • Conflicts com.ryleyangus.liberty
  • Description

    A (lite) general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Use the Liberty entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak. Disabling Substrate/Substitute is not supported, so certain apps (PayPal, HSBC HK) will still be problematic.

    Version History

    Packages are not hosted on our server, they could be protected or unavailable.

    • Download Liberty Lite version 0.2.1018/04/2023 00:15
      Architecture iOS
      MD5 de8005d35c2204becf725c327f68e1e5
      SHA1 434f034c55b792f51216342afd04ab965a614570
      SHA256 01574e57f52163b9c776c8ea86b03e511b3dcbc0918cdedef9ceedd71e23a9f8

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